Vinayak Titti


Vinayak Titti

Vinayak have extensive international experience having worked in the UK and Asia (Malaysia & India) in a wide variety of projects (BFSI), FinTech, CRM, CMS, Automotive, WordPress, e-wallets & Real-Estate industry using manual & automation tools.

Video Interview
Interactive Session Details

Title: Security Testing in API

The downside of publicly available web APIs is that they can potentially pose great risk to API providers. By design, APIs give outsiders access to your data: behind every API, there is an endpoint—the server (and its supporting databases) that responds to API requests.

In terms of potential vulnerability, an API endpoint is similar to any internet-facing web server, the more free and open access the public has to a resource, the greater the potential threat from malicious actors.

Key takeaways:

1. Potential risks of API’s
2. Common attacks against Web API’s
3. Best practises for Securing API’s

This session would be relevant for QA beginners, Security testing beginners and enthusiasts, & mid-level testers.

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